The Balm Bahamas is very dark indeed, not suitable for beginners unless you already know how to handle dark shade bronzers~ (btw, we no longer selling The balm / Girlactik cosmetics)
Hi Isa, 好鍾意睇你既產品分享~之前見你分享lunasol skin modeling foundation。我都有用開,佢妝感係好靚,但係因為我混合偏油(鼻位超油,但兩頰秋冬都有唔少乾位),佢持妝力真係麻麻地,秋冬唔係太凍太乾既天氣,t-zone 同下巴只能hold 到約3小時。想搵一隻持妝力較好,同coverage 唔錯既底妝產品(外影拍照用),你有咩推薦?或用隻控油既乾粉/碎粉配合返lunasol,可否令佢更long lasting (我而家用MAC Studio Careblend pressed powder)?你推介過既urban decay碎粉適合嗎?或者外國youtubers 勁推既Rimmel stay matte / MAC blot powder 又好唔好用?
謝謝你~ 其實也是可以不轉 foundation 的, 只需在 foundation 前局部於 t-zone 及下巴搽點控油 base 就能解決問題了, 如 Loreal Magique 雪芭底霜 / Shu Uemura 的 instant pore blurring primer, 都同時有控油兼毛孔作用。混合肌單靠一款 foundation 會好難滿足到想補濕又控油之需求, 所以一般都要在易出油位另加控油 base 的~ 至於改用更控油的碎粉會否有好轉, 是會有一點改善, 但始終不夠用控油 base 般 long lasting, 而且碎粉需全臉掃, 會導致控到 t-zone 油光時、但臉頰又會變乾的問題~
this certification how much for everything you want to do really did not necessary no harm in band Derma Promedics called you because we currently have never be any sale however reserve when you know the Chinese government whey see that nothing will be out there yeah that cold here them yea my headphones yes I want more so if.
Derma ProMedics When there is a large, noticeable change in the appearance of your skin or symptoms that seem drastic, you shouldn't hesitate to seek the advice of a dermatologist. A lot of folks do not take their skin health seriously, and actually end up hurting themselves out of ignorance and apathy. Read More>>>>>
May I know if theBalm Bahamas Matt bronzer is better or the Girlactik one is better? Thanks =)
回覆刪除The Balm Bahamas is very dark indeed, not suitable for beginners unless you already know how to handle dark shade bronzers~ (btw, we no longer selling The balm / Girlactik cosmetics)
回覆刪除多謝你關心呀~ 其實我已經好返 2 星期喇, 但把聲就未恢復~
回覆刪除呢盒係 Kit #2, 普通 hk 人膚色都係用 Kit #2, 因為 Kit #1 太淺色而 Kit #3 又太深~
刪除Hello Isa, 我想問下你地店有賣既Girlactik Skin Tint Moisturizer(F1)會唔會再番貨or有無得預訂呀?
回覆刪除抱歉 Girlactik 我們沒有再賣了, 因為已經賣了 5-6 年, 現在已少了人買, 係時候轉售新的貨品~
刪除hello isa:) 我24歲,皮膚系混合性偏乾既. 最近發現番工坐office成日覺得皮膚好乾, 個妝開始乾到起粉:( 想問下你有無咩sprays既suggestion? Menard 60ml噴霧裝? thanks!!
回覆刪除用 Melvita 的 "有機玫瑰保濕抗氧噴霧" 會更好呀~ 我 out job 也是用它的:有機玫瑰保濕抗氧噴霧,7,2,7468,103467.htm#s=7935
回覆刪除Girlactik 係真的好好用喔~ 不過因為我們已經賣了 5-6 年, 現在已少了人買, 所以係時候轉售新的貨品, 又或者可能到遲 d 多返人搵的時候先會再入貨了~
刪除Hi Isa,
回覆刪除好鍾意睇你既產品分享~之前見你分享lunasol skin modeling foundation。我都有用開,佢妝感係好靚,但係因為我混合偏油(鼻位超油,但兩頰秋冬都有唔少乾位),佢持妝力真係麻麻地,秋冬唔係太凍太乾既天氣,t-zone 同下巴只能hold 到約3小時。想搵一隻持妝力較好,同coverage 唔錯既底妝產品(外影拍照用),你有咩推薦?或用隻控油既乾粉/碎粉配合返lunasol,可否令佢更long lasting (我而家用MAC Studio Careblend pressed powder)?你推介過既urban decay碎粉適合嗎?或者外國youtubers 勁推既Rimmel stay matte / MAC blot powder 又好唔好用?
謝謝你~ 其實也是可以不轉 foundation 的, 只需在 foundation 前局部於 t-zone 及下巴搽點控油 base 就能解決問題了, 如 Loreal Magique 雪芭底霜 / Shu Uemura 的 instant pore blurring primer, 都同時有控油兼毛孔作用。混合肌單靠一款 foundation 會好難滿足到想補濕又控油之需求, 所以一般都要在易出油位另加控油 base 的~ 至於改用更控油的碎粉會否有好轉, 是會有一點改善, 但始終不夠用控油 base 般 long lasting, 而且碎粉需全臉掃, 會導致控到 t-zone 油光時、但臉頰又會變乾的問題~
刪除btw, urban decay 碎粉控油方面的確不錯, 會好過 MAC blot powder、又薄過 Rimmel stay matte~
刪除this certification how much for everything you want to do really did not necessary no harm in band Derma Promedics called you because we currently have never be any sale however reserve when you know the Chinese government whey see that nothing will be out there yeah that cold here them yea my headphones yes I want more so if.
Derma ProMedics When there is a large, noticeable change in the appearance of your skin or symptoms that seem drastic, you shouldn't hesitate to seek the advice of a dermatologist. A lot of folks do not take their skin health seriously, and actually end up hurting themselves out of ignorance and apathy. Read More>>>>>